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 Otter / Hanalea Hines 

Band saw blades
1’ 2” x 3‘ 0.5” x 2’
It Reads a 9.5 on the Richter scale
Barbed wire
12’ 2“ x 2’ 2”
Cosmic Collision of Lover and Dreamer
Barbed wire Found glass dome, scrap steel, brass, copper,
cast bronze walnut, water cast tin, dandelion seeds, meteorite
1’ 7“ x 8”
Spooning; The Birds and the Bees
By Otter / Hanalea Hines, Xochi Maberry-Gaulke, and Courtney Howard
Cast bronze
9” x 9” x 1’



I was told it starts with a lump in the throat

So I drew it out and wrote it on a saw blade

This is my honest love poem.

Compulsive and defeated dreamer

Amateur (whose Latin root stems from “lover” or “to love”)


The infinite intrigue of junk...

Crude Delight

Aesthetic reclamation of the abandoned, forgotten, discarded, overseen,


Challenging, exploring, considering

Connotations; preconceived notions of inherently evocative material

(barbed wire, band saw blades, chains, chicken wire, locks, gifted, scrap

and found metal)

Trying. Playing. Experimenting. Failing. Focusing. Trying harder. Failing

harder. Bleeding laughing. Awe. Knolling chaos...

The most referenced alchemical process

is turning lead to gold;

I’ve started by turning birds into bronze.

Body’s betraying us, us betraying our bodies

The Exposed. Unsafe. Insecure. Tension. Trauma.

.How to experience the futility of movement...

Boundaries, limitations, roadblocks, detours, borders.

The pendulum of crisis/calm when all we know is “relative safety...”

The defiant cliché juggling with bruised rubble.

How safe do you build your nest?

Stay away...

What keeps you?

“Darling how’s your pulse?” She asked

It’s earthquake material...

Mashed up complex history

Dangerous DNA. Fucked up DNA. Elegant DNA



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