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 Jeremy Van Orman 

// Structure #1 //

Concrete, steel

10” x 10” x 22”



// Structure #2 //

Concrete, steel

10” x 10” x 22”



Objects hold histories, sentiments, and connections while shaping the spaces around them. They serve as physical reminders and placeholders for complex thoughts that are otherwise difficult to communicate.


These works represent my interpretation of Washington landscapes, their relationship to the built environment, and my own spatial memory. I focus specifically on essential forms and components in an effort to better understand my relationship to them. By centering on weight, texture, and the histories and associations of the materials, I externalize my spatial interpretations in the spirit of minimalism.

I find that craft and the practice of making can be a tool for understanding the world and ourselves. Without doing, we make no mistakes and therefore never truly learn.

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