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 Lee Ogden 

Junk Drawer

Black walnut, plexi-glass, spray paint

28” x 9” x 3.5”



For Gertrude

Santos mahogany, hard maple, teak oil

16.5“ x 16.5” x 2”



I enjoy creating things from the mundane and discarded objects that litter the land all around us. Repurposing trash into something of substance or using items in unintended ways motivates my work. I usually have an idea and seek out the material to bring it to fruition, though other times I find material first that challenges me to find an idea within it. Experimentation with different kinds of materials and diverse ways of manipulating them, can lead me to some interesting outcomes…sometimes. Other times this process seems like an exercise in futility, or utter failure. Nonetheless those outcomes are just as valuable to me -- there’s always something to learn, whether it’s a lesson in the material limits of a pop can, or the best ways to utilize spray paint runs. And many times those learning experiences lead to other things, as they are re-cannibalized back into the fray, since I rarely throw things out..

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