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 Spencer Kline 

// Waterphone //
Stainless steel, bronze
18” x 18“ x 30”
// Blowguns //
2’ x 19” 15”


Much of the work I have made this year has been a modification or other interpretation of an item I remember from my childhood. Whether it was a cheap plastic toy I used to own or something I relate to a strong memory, it has stuck with me and I have decided to render it in metal. I enjoy making aesthetically pleasing yet functional items such as tools, something wearable, or instruments. There has also been a natural theme to most of my work, as I manipulate the metal to a point with curves, circles, and irregular textures, far from the original flat square sheet. I like to imagine much of my work as something you might find deep in the jungle, hidden in the ruins of a civilization from long ago.

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