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 Vincent Scherer 

// Game Room //

Driftwood, found wood

7.5’ x 8‘ x 4’



I was an army brat and have moved around for my entire life. This makes the pull to use driftwood particularly strong for me. Driftwood moves with the currents of the world, and is not often stationary for long. The wood I use is more than likely from the area, but could have crossed oceans to be part of art, like I have. My works are experimentation with driftwood, found wood and natural images.I aim to derive recognizable imagery from un-manipulated wood. I try to change the found wood as little as possible. I want the viewer to think about nature and their own role in it. My goal as an artist is to become an agent of change for the better, and examine how we habitually manipulate the things and environment around us.

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